Monday 9 September 2013

Handy Fragrant Sprays

I always appreciate coming home to a clean, fresh and pleasant smelling house.  It's both inviting and relaxing.  For years I have searched for ways to keep it that way and one of my personal favorite is the fragrant sprays.

Fragrant sprays comes in those small bottles that are very handy and convenient.  The spray comes out in fine mist, perfect for a quick burst of fragrance.  Karma Senses has Quality Fragrant Sprays that are in a 100ml bottle that you can practically take anywhere. You can use it at home, in the office, in your car and even when you're traveling and you'd like your hotel room to smell as clean as your home.

It's no doubt that our sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses.  Just think of those days when you're out playing as a kid and then smell your mum's cooking coming from your house.  What do you?  I remember stopping and running inside the house to check what it is. A smell can trigger your memory and can greatly affect your mood. That's because fragrance can elicit emotional response and so we use it pretty much in our everyday lives. 

Fragrance and Your Mood

Fragrance can affect your mood. Remember aromatherapy?  It's using scents to improve your health.  The nerves on our nose pick up the scent and send a signal to parts of our brain that controls emotions and memories.  When we inhale certain aroma, it triggers our brain and this brings about several physical, emotional and psychological benefits.

If you need to relax your mind and body, try using a lavender-scented spray to help you get into a more serene state.  Use rose if you're in the mood for love.

Fragrance can induce positive response on our moods and in effect, it can have certain health benefits.  For example, because the lavender scent can make you feel more relaxed, it can lower your blood pressure and reduce muscle tension.

Some fragrances have positive effects on your performance at work.  If I was working on a pleasant smelling environment, for sure I'd be in the mood to do my best every day.  Who wouldn't?

The Smell of Clean

Fragrance can also be an indication of cleanliness.  Think about what we do after doing the laundry.  I usually smell it and if it smells good then I know that the detergent has done its job.  We do the same with the rooms inside our house.  We spritz some fragrance spray into the air right after we clean it and I love how it smells right after.

Do you also use fragrance sprays at home? What’s your favourite scent?

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