Monday 5 August 2013

Good Business Deals Smell Good Too

Where there is smoke there is fire, or so they say. So brace yourself for trouble if you enter a room and find dull and gloomy faces staring at you. Well, they also say, there’s a silver lining in every cloud; but you know what? In the world of business, they don’t have the time to wait for you as you search for that silver lining that is sometimes like a needle in a haystack. You just have to do things right the first instance. So if you are arranging a business meeting, let your staff set those nicely scented candles (Soy, Not paraffin!) and leave them burning.

Let scented candles aromatherapy do the trick....

Scented Soy candles, whether Apple Martini, Pomegranate Punch or any of the other spirit-lifting fragrances, are the best non-intrusive features to keep you company in the course of a business discussion, and particularly if you are looking forward to clinching a deal. The world has become so stressful that a bank representative will refuse to give you a nod for a loan just because he isn’t in the right mood. Another reason they put External examiners in place in Universities just in case a don was in a foul mood when he dealt with your paper and couldn’t care to read through your entire script-and just served you a mark that screamed he didn’t understand how you found your way there.

Take no chances-let aromatherapy do the trick, courtesy of scented Soy candles. If you lift your counterparts’ spirit, and you yourself have lived with the scented candles like a bee in a flower garden, for all practical purposes you are going to find a meeting point, sign on the bottom line, and clink wine glasses in celebration. After all, that’s what a nice natural scent does; it clears the mind giving it clarity, reduces fatigue and calms the nerves. In fact, most of the fragrances used with the Soy candles have a way of inducing light heartedness while enhancing concentration at the same time. That’s why Soy scented candles are good for all occasions.

And again, in case you need to clean off some wax that a fascinated visitor dripped while checking out the Soy candles, all you need is some soapy water and it’s done. If your visitors fall for the candles, no need to be mean, is the place to direct them to. Let them share your joy too.   

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