Tuesday 6 August 2013

Wedding Bliss with KasseL Candles

I love weddings.  I think they are special and very romantic.  Most couples have a candle lighting ceremony in their weddings.  The unity candle being the symbol of the essence of the wedding ceremony is lit by the couple as a sign of their unity.  Together they will share their lives, loves, joys and sorrows.  The candle light representing how you light up each other's world wiping out all the darkness.  It represents warmth that you feel because of your love for each other.  It gives you a sense of direction as it draws people together reminding you that your love for each other is your binding force.

Isn't that romantic or what?

Candles are versatile.  They can easily fit in anyone's wedding plans.  You can use it for lighting, centerpiece and even as weddding favors especially if you have an aesthetically beautiful candle like that of KasseL candles

Candles as Wedding Decorations

The KasseL ultraglow and natureglow candles are made in Egypt, all handmade and decorated with flowers, dried fruits and spices.  Because they are aesthetically beautiful, they can make great wedding centerpieces.  Arrange a few candles in varying size in the middle of a round tray and surround it with a few flowers and decorative gems and you will instantly have an amazing centerpiece for your reception.

Locating candles at different corners around the room can add to the romantic atmosphere.  It's nice to put a few candles on the bar, buffet table and even the wall sconces.  If there is a mirror inside the reception area, it would be great to add a few more candles there.  Mirrors enhance the flickering effect of the candle light which adds to the romantic ambiance that you want to go for.

Decorative Candles as Wedding Favors

Just imagine how your guests’ faces will light up when you give candles as a wedding favor; more so if it’s a KasseL candle.  Many will be enchanted by its beauty.

Candles are romantic and its one great way of spreading romance to your guests.  They can use it as a decoration or light it on their romantic evenings.  Choose candles that match your color scheme or choose a decorative candle that is in line with your theme be it a formal wedding or an informal one at the beach.

Did you use candles during your wedding? Share your stories. We’d love to hear from you. 

Buy KasseL decorative Scented candles online here at Alma Importers, Direct from the distributor.

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